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We Love To Help You With Business Solutions ACCOUNTS. INVENTORY. GST. TDS. E-WAY BILL. POS. VDI. Cloud Accounting. Digital Signature.
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Electroware is the leading IT Solution provider in Gujarat, India. Since 1999 Electroware provide IT Support for many organization like Government Sectors, SMEs, Retail Sectors in Gujarat. Today We have more than 2000+ satisfied business customers in Gujarat
All our services are totally professional and work driven. if you are choosing us than you will get exactly what you have asked for and that's our promise to every single customer.
Electroware is recognized as a 3 STAR SALES & IMPLEMENTATION PARTNER of Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd. Bangalore, Tally.ERP9 is preferred accounting solutions for SMEs in India.
People Driven Electroware has a committed and dynamic group of experienced professionals who take pride in their work. Our people share the passion to build great relations and provide excellent solutions.
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Services provided by Electroware has been quite appreciable and hence we acknowledge the same.
MEGA CO. LTD. (FINANCE & ACCOUNTS) MANAGER We as Chartered Accountants are very much in comfort by the services provided by Mr. Tarang Patel and his team during entire year. Congratulation to Mr. Tarang Patel and his entire team at Electroware for doing excellent work.
CA. CS. VINOD MANIK (VINOD M. MANIK & ASSOCIATES) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS The After Sales Service of Electroware is Satisfactory which proves the Credibility and Customer Care Approach of the Firm
SARDAR SAROVAR NARMADA NIGAM LTD.DY. GEN MANAGER Our Sincere thanks to Electroware, Mr. Tarang Patel alongwith his team and congratulating them for rendering the services and training the Accountants through out the year.
MR. RISHABH JAIN (VENUS INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY) We are delighted with your Sales, Services, Support and Training provided by your organisation.
SHAILESH PATEL (SAHAJANAND LASER TECHNOLOGY LTD) We are gratified and ecstatic with your Services, Support and Training provided by your organisation.
SANTOSH MULEY (S.B. ELECTRONICS) We wish All The Best and Best Compliments to Electroware for achievements.
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